ISSN 2338-3070 (print) | 2338-3062 (online)
An Innovative Artificial Intelligence-Based Extreme Learning Machine Based on Random Forest Classifier for Diagnosed Diabetes Mellitus
Dimas Chaerul Ekty Saputra, Elvaro Islami Muryadi, Raksmey Phann, Irianna Futri, Lismawati Lismawati Abstract Since 2014, the World Health Organization has accumulated data indicating that
Path Planning for Mobile Robots on Dynamic Environmental Obstacles Using PSO Optimization
Fahmizal Fahmizal, Innes Danarastri, Muhammad Arrofiq, Hari Maghfiroh, Henry Probo Santoso, Pinto Anugrah, Atinkut Molla Abstract The increasing integration of mobile robots in various industries
Students Final Academic Score Prediction Using Boosting Regression Algorithms
Dignifo Nauval Muhammady, Haidar Aldy Eka Nugraha, Vinna Rahmayanti Setyaning Nastiti, Christian Sri Kusuma Aditya Abstract Academic grades are crucial in education because they assist
Harmonic Mitigation in Inverter Circuits Through Innovative LC Filter Design Using PSIM
Habib Muhammad Usman, Muhammad Mahmud, Sani Saminu, Salihu Ibrahim Abstract The increasing use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, and the
Improving Performance for Diabetic Nephropathy Detection Using Adaptive Synthetic Sampling Data in Ensemble Method of Machine Learning Algorithms
Lailil Muflikhah, Fitra A. Bachtiar, Dian Eka Ratnawati, Riski Darmawan Abstract Nephropathy is a severe diabetic complication affecting the kidneys that presents a substantial risk
Analysis of IoT-LoRa to Improve LoRa Performance for Vaname Shrimp Farming Monitoring System
Puput Dani Prasetyo Adi, Idil Ardi, Nicco Plamonia, Yuyu Wahyu, Angela Mariana L, Hessy Novita, Dendy Mahabror, Riza Zulkarnain, Adi Wirawan, Yudi Prastiyono, Waryanto Waryanto,