ISSN 2338-3070 (print) | 2338-3062 (online)
Comparative Evaluation of Feature Selection Methods for Heart Disease Classification with Support Vector Machine
Winarsi J. Bidul, Sugiyarto Surono, Tri Basuki Kurniawan Abstract The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of a variety of feature selection
Design of Application Framework for Vital Monitoring Mobile-Based System
Muhammad Rizky Ananda, Mohammad Reza Faisal, Rudy Herteno, Radityo Adi Nugroho, Friska Abadi Abstract In the realm of modern healthcare, continuous monitoring can leverage the
Adaptive Traffic Light Signal Control Using Fuzzy Logic Based on Real-Time Vehicle Detection from Video Surveillance
Zulfa Fahrunnisa, Rahmadwati Rahmadwati, Raden Arief Setyawan Abstract Intersections often become the focal points of congestion due to poor traffic signal management, reduced productivity, increased
Performance of an AIOT-Particle Device for Air Quality and Environmental Data Prediction in Salatiga Area Using ARIMA Model
Johanes Dian Kurniawan, Suryasatriya Trihandaru, Hanna Arini Parhusip Abstract This study introduces the AIOT-Particle, a compact device designed for comprehensive air quality and environmental monitoring
Effect of SMOTE Variants on Software Defect Prediction Classification Based on Boosting Algorithm
Rahmina Ulfah Aflaha, Rudy Herteno, Mohammad Reza Faisal, Friska Abadi, Setyo Wahyu Saputro Abstract Detecting software defects early on is critical for avoiding significant financial
Movie Recommender System Using Cascade Hybrid Filtering with Convolutional Neural Network
Ihsani Hawa Arsytania, Erwin Budi Setiawan, Isman Kurniawan Abstract The current technological advancements have made it easier to watch movies, especially through online streaming platforms